The "GOTY" Update log! See what's new here.

"GOTY" Update 

  • Added 3 new elements into the game (They work/react with the previous 4 elements as well, find a way to access them for more madness!)
  • Added new title screens.
  • With new elements reactions! Added 14 new reactions for the 3 new elements.
  • New shield system.
  • Added a new story to the game, accessible after completing the first part of the game. 
  • More useless optional cutscenes/dialogue.
  • 4 new party members! 1 new side assistance system.
  • 4 new dungeons, 34 new enemies, 5 new bosses.  (1 boss optional/avoidable)
  • New skills? New skills for new party members! 
  • Five new skill trees to bonk around.
  • New audio, copyrighted audio. And some non-copyrighted.
  • Added Jukebox system.
  • Added new items and armor.

Changes that affects everything including the old game:

For bug fixes, please scroll further below.


  • Added a new status view window for enemy and players. (ESC or back from commands and select 'view states')
  • Having high LUK no longer has a small chance of preventing states being added.
  • Added a new [Instant] system for items and skills.  These items/skills do not cost a turn.
  • All skills will now increase TP by a little (Still less than the 'Attack' command).
  • Player now teleports closer to the 1st nodes in all skill trees.
  • Jackie's skill and element has renamed from [Earth] to [Wood].
  • Changed text font.
  • Part 1 Final boss now gives experience.
  • Double attack damages have been slightly reduced.
  • Barrel/Gruyere is now a husky instead of a dobermann.

States and elements:

  • States display now have priorities, showing whichever state is most important first.  *
  • Elemental state system has been reworked to apply multiple fixes. (Read fixes log below)
  • Edited elemental state icons.
  • Added state description to all states. 
  • Element icons have been added to the tutorial guide.
  • Mastery passive states now have descriptions and icons.
  • LUK no longer decrease chance of state being added.

*States priorities

States now have priorities:

  1. unique ultimate ( Awake, extra turns, Jackie's Tranform etc) being the highest. (100)
  2. Then element immunities at 90.
  3. Reaction damage at 70 (Vaporize, Burning etc).
  4. elemental state at 60.
  5. Normal buffs/potions at 50.
  6. Shield states (chill, energize etc) being the 2nd lowest at 40.
  7. Masteries State at 15 (Passive hp regen etc).


  • The night market items and stardust icons have received a graphic update! 
  • Re-worked the damage formula of all skills so it actually works with the armor scaling plugin. Damage should never appear 0 anymore due to overstacking DEF.
  • Lemon Juice is now [Instant] and cures, prevent default status ailment for 2 turns.
  • Increased elemental resist potion price from 250g to 400. Resist potions are now [Instant] without costing a turn, reduced resist potions' duration.
  • Earth Necklace renamed to Wood Necklace.
  • Health pill increase Max HP from 10 to 50, Mana pill from 10 to 25. 
  • Starshine and moonshine price increased, but reduced TP recovery amount to accomodate the TP changes.
  • Selling now return standard price instead of 50% buying price. 

Bug fixes and optimization: (Spoiler ahead)

States and Elements:

  • Fixed wind's reaction damage would affect dead allies/enemies.
  • Fixed wind's reaction damage not removing dead enemies when enemy dies from wind reaction damage.
  • Fixed wind's reaction damage causing initial skill damage disappearing and only showing reaction damage.
  • Fixed an issue where wind reaction damage would heal instead of damage if target's AGI is too high.


  • Fixed potions to display the total heal amount, instead of the initial amount without the percentage amount. (E.g Shows 50 instead of actual total, 25% hp +50)


  • Fixed tileset passability issue in Mansion cyberscape
  • Fixed the playtime record issue where the time calculated based on the device's frame rate, now it will record the actual play time, played.
  • Fixed the issue where the game would "freeze" (graphic stuck but audio keeps playing) on higher end devices.
  • Fixed tileset issue that allows enemy to walk into wall in mansion's kitchen.
  • Fixed an issue player unable to jump back to opposite platform in Hikari's map.
  • Fixed the roof passability issue in cliff mountain map.
  • Fixed tileset graphic and pass-ability issue in the skill tree map and the beach map.
  • Fixed an issue where "Grab tail" did not disable the user for 2 turns.
  • Fixed enemy able to climb on top cliff in beach map.
  • Fixed missing sound effect in cyber mountain's ring collection run.
  • Fixed an issue where the cyberspace effect would persist when teleporting back to dreamspace.
  • Mastery states no longer retain after battle.
  • Corrected some writing mistake. (No promise it will be perfect)
  • Added missing music credit in both endings, purple planet,   Sorry :<  
  • Reduced the critical bonus to be actually 1.5x, LUK still increases the crit damage a little.
  • Re-word certain skills from "dealing constant  X damage" to "dealing damage around X" .
  • Equalized all in-engine music volume to 90% . 
  • 4th party member will now contact Ocean immediately at the night market.
  • Removed khas lighting and fog plugin and replaced with in-engine tint screen as the plugin was causing issue on lower end devices.
  • Benjit should now sell the correct wares in the final dungeon.
  • The 2nd yellow crystal in the map before the final boss now requires you to activate the 1st yellow crystal at the entrance. Instead of able to cheese it with the purple crystal.     Thanks reimHarbert :)
  • Fixed cyber mansion and cyber mountain crystals that unlock the next stage's door, to not appear timer when the door is already unlocked.
  • Fixed cyber mansion crystals still requesting permission to overlap when no timer/runs are active.
  • Added 1 more enemy in the cyberscape dungeon encounters 
  • Adjusted cyber enemy exp and gold drop due to the point above (player will earn more gold/exp than previous due the increased enemy amount)
  •  Removed some unused RTP music effect and sound effect.


  • Reduced total Stardust needed to unlock all Martine's skill tree nodes.


  • Fixed an issue where Hikari could learn Taunting Fire before unlocking its previous node.
  • Fixed Hikari's Off-hand equipment (Candy) adding 2 MDEF instead of 2 MATK.


  • Fixed text error for Jackie's Nightvision increasing AGI and LUK by 2 instead of 5 (it adds 5)
  • Fixed Jackie going blank for a second, when trying to sit down during her cutscene.
  • Jackie's Hit and Hide damage and TP recovery rate increased


  •  Barrel's Whoops! What was that? damage increased

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