Testers/pre-release change log
In case you haven't notice, this log is for testers, so it will include spoilers.
Please play the game if you haven't, before proceeding to read this "fun fact what's changed" pre-release post.

States priorities
States now have priorities:
- unique ultimate ( Awake, extra turns, Christine's rune change, Jackie's Tranform etc) being the highest. (100)
- Then element immunities at 90.
- Reaction damage at 70 (Vaporize, Burning etc).
- elemental state at 60.
- Normal buffs/potions at 50.
- Shield states (chill, energize etc) being the 2nd lowest at 40.
- Masteries State at 15 (Passive 5 %hp regen etc).
Game Fixes/changes
- player skip controls disabled.
- Fixed phase 1 enemy counter attack with Fire instead of Fire E state. (Not noted in the release log as it's not previously broken, it only broke due to the rehauled elemental system)
- Extra element skills are now based on stat instead of constant 80/100 damage.
- Updated Arma's portrait
- Fixed Pudd avatar not changing after Pud Wolf cutscene 1, or after leaving cyberspace dungeon.
- Tutorial now gives player 2 apple juice, 2 grape juice.
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Benny in tutorial.
- Benny now ends the tutorial on turn 6.
- New title screen added when player defeated all 3 bosses.
- All enemy skills now has MATK included in its formula instead of just ATK. At player view, direct damage value has not been changed. However, this is needed to make sure certain reactions that reduce MDEF to make its uses apart from reaction damage(such as Hypershock that deals no reaction dmg). So yes, previously burning's dropping MDEF did nothing with direct damage. This change is not included in the GOTY log as previous enemy's dmg formula are unchanged.
- Added more money chest in forest dungeons, more items and encounter rate in cyber dungeon.
- Shop is now categorized into 3 categories.
- Redesigned shield system, shield now reduce 30% main element shield, while reducing 10% for all other damage. Regen effect reduced from 10% -> 5%, earth+wood from 8% -> 4%.
- final dungeon hidden buff stat on enemies removed, added 1 more enemy to 50% of troops encounter instead.
- Edited Theme 6 music file description to its use origin.
- The new team (oshungam update) allows a max level of 40 instead of 35. (Old team remains lv35 cap)
- Decrease multiple attacks/area of attack skills TP gained, as players gain TP way too fast with headgear.
- When player defeated final boss, player can't return due to a same character event. (as it should) This event is now changed to touch to prevent "invisible wall" effect.
- Fixed finale skill tree teleporting issue which player back to previous tree. (accessing old/new char teleports incorrectly)
- Fixed the issue where Minuet and Wolf's Log 2 is locked/cant access due to event bypassing by switch log 1
- Fixed benny and wolf's cutscene 3 switch issue
- Fixed transition directed from Tredemy city to sewer to face right instead of up.
- Fixed transition directed from Tredemy sewer to city from left to down.
- Fixed chests not "stepping"/animated, in Tredemy sewer and autumn mansion
- Fixed the issue where Wolf's writing out of personality/inconsistent if u encounter sewer boss by walking right instead of left stairs
- Fixed unable to read quasont book the 2nd time.
- Adjusted rest time fade out frame from 200 to 100.
- Added more tile in final dungeon, wind reaction now deals 200 damage instead of 150.
- Followers will now re-appear after defeating or skipping doppel fight, after accessing the skill tree or leaving the map.
- Pudding and Wolf will now change correctly accordingly to scenario after defeating/declining the doppel fight if player leaves the map.
- Critical damage from LUK reduced to 1/3 instead of 1/2
Game land issue
- Game land fade is now black and will not flashbang the player.
- Added a fail safe for "Around the world" not fading back in correctly when returning to hub. (Force fade in hub once)
- Fixed ozzytheinfinite high score "Around the world" being 1 instead of 59.
- Mini game unlock has been moved forward to recruit all member instead of defeating at least 1 boss.
- Added a new music preview in jukebox.
- Fishing minigame will now restart properly.
- Fishing should no longer spawn an error message due to facing incorrectly.
- Walking animation OFF due to fishing has been fixed
- Fixed ozzytheinfinite high score reward switch issue.
- Fixed gameland best score display text issue
- Skateboard doggo exp and gold multiplier increased from 5 -> 8.

Tileset issue
- Fixed some tileset issue with the trees in the map where you save Arma
- Fixed passability issue near boss in tredemy sewer.
- Fixed passability issue in tredemy academy windows and posters.
- Fixed missing event tile in doppel map.
- Fixed underwater seaweed tile issue in doppel map. (passibility issue)
- Fixed pathing issue in spider boss map
- Fixed tank passability issue in tutorial dungeon
- Fixed a tileset issue in 4th dungeon which causes the player to be stuck after walking on top the chest.
- Fixed a chimney tile issue in christine's map.
- No more vines climbing allowed in Christine's Map.
- Fixed sewer boss event issue, which u are forced to fight the boss again if you stepped on the other tile, as it was using self switch instead of an actual switch
- Fixed certain books no longer readable after reading it once.
States balancing/changes
- Redesigned shield system, shield now reduce 30% main element shield, while reducing 10% for all other damage. Regen effect reduced from 10% -> 5%, earth+wood from 8% -> 4%.
- Enemy's earth shield reaction are now stabilized as well. (120 ->140)
- Fixed enemy wind reaction damage not consistent with player's reaction damage (reaction damage decrease by 2)
- Fixed wind formula incorrect issue, causing damage to always be minimum damage.
- Wind now has a min 55 damage threshold if the target's AGI is too high.
- Added state description for knockout/dead.
- Reduced Wind+earth reaction damage from 55 to 30. Enemy now also deals 30 as well, instead of base on player's AGI.
- Superconduct damage caused by players reduce by 10. By enemies increase by 5. Both sides deal 50 dmg now.
- Increased Frostbitten mana reduction (10% -> 20%) Reason: the effects are too minor for a 1 turn reaction effect.
- Player's earth shield reaction are now stabilized (Ice and thunder from 200->150, water fire wood from 100 -> 150)
- Increased Overload reaction damage. ( a.mat * 4 to a.mat *5, 5% -> 6% MHP) Due to the shield/bonus reduction effects.
- Melt now reduce 15% instead of 10% DEF and MDEF.
- Fixed enemy healing players with wind+earth reaction, instead of damage.
- Electrolysis (thunder+water) now last 3 turns, agi reduction from 80% -> 60% (Increased turns to allow wind reaction window while increasing it's potency.)
- Reactions DOT(damage over time) like overload, now has element. (Certain state reduces element damage received, for example, having the fire shield state reduce fire damage received by 30% thus reducing overload's damage by 30%)
- Fixed the issue where Frozen was reapply-able instead of ignore reapply.
- Overload (fire+thunder) now has a different state icon for clarity. (previously same as arma's skill timer icons)
- Changed AfterFrost's state icon for clarity.
- Fixed Earth immune state icon
Writings (Doesn't affect gameplay)
- Added 3 new books/recipient letters
- Fixed a typo when talking to Benny after recruiting everyone.
- Fixed a writing conflict in tutorial guide. (tell player to create shield to overcome reaction damage but reaction damage bypass shield)
- Fixed incorrect Mirror Veil and Magic Veil turn text.
- Added missing text for Minuet and Wolf Log 1 item added.
- Added missing text for Minuet and Wolf Log 2 item added.
- Added missing text for Pud and Christine Log 1 item added.
- Edited finale cutscene, added more message to Pudd.
- Fixed OzzytheInifinite referring himself as OzzyTheFourteen.
- Feather item renamed to Quill, Quill description added.
Enemy related:
General Enemies
- Doubled the stardust drop for bosses (10 -> 20). Increased some monster's stardust drop by 1. (mostly those that only drop 3->4)
- Increase certain monster gold drop (not more than 40), some monsters were giving way less gold compared to others.
- All guardian/mini boss' hp are now hidden during their "real" phase. Doppel's hp is still shown.
- Increased some of the monster's stardust drop by 1.
- Increased enemy gold drop.
- Renamed enemy's thunderstorm to supercell for clarity
- Ghost initial stages stat increased by a little (3), final stats remain.
- Ghost timer damage increase from 100 -> 200, healing crystal increased from 120 -> 200.
- Healing crystals are now removed when ghost battle is finished.
- Buffed spider boss , spider re-activate their special, 1 turn earlier (start at turn 1, then every 5 turns). Health increased.
- Spider now has it's own special minion, new minion has increased stat, image changed ( HP 530 ->800), stat by 10, and will only cast [earth] or [wood], normal attack removed.
- Fixed encapsulated allies not being revived if the spider minion is killed by a reaction damage.
- Increased Encapsulate initial damage and now 100% bypass shield.
- Spider minion no longer gives exp, gold nor stardust.
- Spider minion will now revive party members when killed by a reaction or aoe/splash damage.
- Encapsulated target will now revive the encapsulated target everytime, instead of just the 1st time.
- Player can no longer escape spider boss.
- Fixed the issue where boss music in sewer only starts when the battle turn begins(instead of preparing/starting before the battle begins)
- Added a new fear debuff mechanic for player in sewer boss.
- Solace skill moved upwards as qol update.
- Ozzy boss is now able to act twice per turn except when casting his specials.
- Added a 1 turn cooldown after casting special.
- Solace heals 100 hp and extend fear state 3 turns instead of 2 turns.
- Horrified dmg buff revert back from 80% -> 50% atk and matk.
- Fixed sewer boss "Revving engine" using old formula instead of yanfly's armor scaling formula.
- Initial shockwave moved to turn 0 instead of turn 1.
- Minuet now has an increased priority to cast thunder blessing ex on first turn.
- Added the return option once you decided to fight the dopplegangers.
- Added the choice to re-skip doppel fight once confirmed to fight, by talking to Benny.
- Removed the fire circle before the fight and edited dialogues for it. (This is actually a huge increase in difficulty for the fight as without the fire state to stop the chain reaction from doppel christine's rune storm.) It's an optional fight so i dont intend to make it easy :) Also it makes no sense to make the battle harder by "rewarding" player to remove the fire circle with bottle of water.
- Reduced doppel fight skip decoder amount from 10 -> 6
- Fixed Doppel Christine's Volt charge skill adding 30% AGI and MATK, instead of 20%.
- Doppel stat increase by 12 (except agi at 10) and HP increase by 650 due to benny skill tree buff.
- Updated the skills for doppels to reflect correctly from player skill changes.
- Doppel minuet no longer cast re-energize, all doppel skill no longer cost mana.
- Fixed benny's choice to consume decoder to skip doppel boss when you already defeated the doppels.
- Fixed to reduce Decoders items when skipping doppel fight. (Previously just checking if enough decoders)
- All Doppel casts their Ulti 2 turns faster
- Added apple spray Ex (healing skill) for all doppel, max 4 casts
- Benny is now on top of skill tree selection.
- Added missing animation for tutorial battle ice and thunder debugs.
- Fixed an issue where Benny's stat calculation not checking correctly when leaving skill tree.
Element Codes
- Will now damage an enemy base on Benny's Stat.
- Investment nodes reworked into Water, Wood and Fire Codes.
- Wood code now requires Ice and thunder instead of Ice and Earth Nodes.
- Fixed Fire code costing 1 additional stardust.
Shield Code
- Is now based on Benny's level * 20. (Max 600 shield)
- Updated shield code node text to reflect as per correct item description
Healing Wind Code
- Healing code renamed to Healing Wind code.
- Now also attack an enemy with [Wind] at start of battle.
- Reduced healing code hp and mp regen from 5% -> 2%.
Battle Code
- Now increase party stat by static number and based on Benny's Level.
- Reduced maximum stat increase from 15 to 10.
- Now requires the right side nodes unlocked, to unlock mastery node.
- Added new feature that allows player to activate 2 codes simultaneously.
- Silent Supporter shield increase from 25% -> 30% MHP
- Shield no longer decay.
- Regen removed
Skill Tree
- Reduced benny's total stardust skill tree from 169 to 161.
- Team nodes (nodes that grant original team effects) now increase previous team's stat secretly.
- Fire, water, wood nodes now inform player what stat is increased. HP MP increased from (50, 20) to (100, 50)
- Fixed an issue where Benny's skill tree nodes showing "unlocked" when able to unlock.
- Fixed mastery being removed if user is dead.
- Static dream (Wolf mastery skill) reduced damage amount from ATK stat, but now DEF increases skill damage (From a.atk*2 + a.mat -> a.atk + a.mat + a.def)
- Static dream can only counter once per turn now. (as intended)
- Static dream is now Earth element.
- DEF and MDEF increase from 5 -> 8. HP regen reduced back to 5%.
- Updated skill tree, state and skill text.
Wild Dream/Awake
- Reduce wild dream's TP cost to 50 , increased MP cost to 50. (I want wolf to have some variety instead of spamming anger early game)
- Buffed the damage dealt by Enraged. (now MDEF affects the damage as well)
- Buffed max counter per turn by 1 for pudd's wild dream and awake, but reduced it's turn by 1.
- Re-worded wild dream and awake's state description for clarification.
- Fixed Awake upgrade not removing A Wild Dream, added description to Awake's learning text.
- Increased Awake mp cost from 35 to 75, TP cost increase from 75 to 80.
- Joy no longer gives target [Earth]
- Increased cast speed for Pudd's harmony and misery.
- harmony and joy now reduce [Physical], [Earth] and [Wind] damage by 10%. Duration reduced from 4 -> 3.
- Harmony shield reduced from 30% MHP to 25% MHP.
- Misery mana cost reduced by 20.
- Fixed incorrect State name.
Skill Tree
- Fake skill name 'Wolf's Betrayal" added onto mastery node.
- Nightmare hp reduction decrease from 80 -> 50.
Change Rune
- Fixed a typo for Christine 's change rune text when there's no other element to swap to.
Cross cut/ Slashes
- Cross, Thunder and Ice slash state chance reduced from 100% -> 75%.
- Cross cut mana reduced. (55 -> 50), damage slightly reduced, and changed from 2 random to damage all target once.
Mirror Veil/Magic Veil
- Reduced Christine's magic veil buff from 30% -> 20%, guaranteed to add state when damaged. (85% -> 100%)
- Re-work Christine's recall from revive when dead, to heal HP when < % HP.
- Corrected magic veil state description error of 30%, it adds 20% only.
- Increased Mirror veil duration to 3 turns (2->3) chances for states increase from 45% to 55%.
- Fixed an issue where allies receive said state as well (Healing arrow/harmony targeting ally with magic veil adds the incorrect element state on ally)
- Christine's Recall trigger rate increase from 40%->50%, but healing reduced from 40% -> 20%
- Renamed from generous one to elemental mastery.
- Mastery defense ignore reduced from 60%-> 40% DEF and MDEF. Increase Max hp by 100, mp by 50, TP charge +20%. No longer gives everyone but self extra turn during final phase.
- Change rune removed, instead unlock all skills.
- Change rune replaced with Change Rune[Instant] for Rune storm's guaranteed element.
- Fixed learning mastery removing rune states.
- Fixed Change Rune[Instant] removing other element skills after selecting rune.
- Removed " increasing all party member stat by 3".
- Fixed mastery being removed if user is dead.
Skill Tree
- Knowledge of Earth DEF and MDEF increase from 2->3.
- Knowledge of Ice increase LUK by 3, HP increase removed.
- Ice node now increase HP by 50 and Thunder nodes increase MP by 25.
- Updated skill tree, state and skill text.
- Fake skill name 'Elemental One" added onto mastery node.
Delayed/Chilling Arrow
- Chilling arrow initial damage reduced by 0.5 multiplier
- Now adds [Ice] state correctly when state is removed.
- Damage over time is now mark as Ice element.
- Added animation to Healing arrow.
- Corrected arma's delayed arrow skill text
- Buffed Arma's Trigger and Detonate damage when there is only 1 state on target.
- Trigger mp cost reduced from 100 to 90
- Denonate mp cost reduced from 90 to 80
- Removed [Trigger] tags on skills (these were tag for their previous version of trigger/denonate)
- Fixed damage formula using MATK instead of ATK
- Trigger minimum damage increased.
Healing Arrow/Arrow of life
- Arma's Healing arrow animation added.
- Fixed misdirection attack buff being permanent instead of 4 turns.
- Retry attack deduction increased from 20% to 30%.
- Corrected state name from 'Extra move' to 'Retry'.
Mouse/Freezing Trap
- Now adds [Ice] state correctly when state is removed.
- Freezing trap is now a single target skill.
- Damage over time is now mark as Ice element.
- Updated text in skill tree.
- Increase potion efficiency by 20%, ATK and LUK from 5 -> 8.
- Updated skill tree, state and skill text.
- Fixed mastery being removed if user is dead.
Skill Tree
- Fake skill name 'Rat Artist" added onto mastery node.
Unstable/Thunder's Blessing
- Minuet's Thunder Blessing and Unstable Blessing now +20%/30% DEF and AGI.
- Fixed thunder's blessing animation timing.
- Minuet's Recharge [Success] reduced from 15% to 10% mp, [Failed] 10% to 5% mp, both now uses 50% Minuet's MATK instead of 100%. Reduced TP cost from 30 to 20.
- Changed Re Energize recovery rate from 200% minuet matk to 50% matk + 50% AGI.
- Updated Minuet's Re-energize skill tree text, reduced mp recovery from 20% -> 10%, [Success] MP from 10% -> 5%.
Re Energize [Success] no longer regen TP increased MP regen from 5% - >8%. (If success, this basically becomes a >15TP recovery)[Success] +5% TP added back but reduced initial TP recovery from 2 to 1.
- Changed Minuet's Reset to "50% mana turns into shield(x2) and hp." to offset the elemental reaction damages that bypass shields.
- Minuet's Reset is now 1 ally target scope, instead of Self.
- Increased Minuet's thunderstrike, thunderstorm's mana cost.
- Added missing [Magic] tag
- Thunderstrike[Success] no longer provide TP.
- Thunderstrike no longer double attack, but AGI stat now affect its damage as well.
- Removed blank skill from Thunderstrike's Success.
- Fixed Minuet's thunderstorm not applying [Thunder]
- Added missing [Magic] tag
Skill Tree
- Fake skill name 'Mentor Fish" added onto mastery node.
- Thunder's Wraith MP increase 40 -> 80.
- Thunder mastery MP increase 10 -> 25.
- Fixed Minuet's skill tree (around 3-4 of them) where you couldn't unlock the next nodes when already unlocked required nodes.
- Fixed Minuet's skill tree able to learn Blessing upgrade node before unlocking Thunder's Wrath.
Rule breaker/Troublemaker
- Troublemaker now remove [Thunder] and [Earth] as well.
- Increased troublemaker TP cost back to 85 and MP from 50 to 75. Troublemaker now increase MATK and AGI by 10%.
- Resurgence now applies to all party member, 20% direct damage is converted into mana instead. (magic guard), MATK and AGI increase from 5 -> 8. Gain Surge, regen additional 5% mp regen when resurgence is removed.
- Fixed Mastery state text description stating 10% mana displacement, instead of 20%.
- Updated skill tree, state and skill text.
- Fixed mastery being removed if user is dead.
Items Fixes:
- Apple Spray initial healing increase from 50 to 100.
- Grape Spray initial mp healing increase from 50 to 80.
- Master Codex moved up as qol update.
- Fixed prazosin price being 200 cheaper during a certain phase.
- Fixed grape spray being 50 gold cheaper than its selling price during a certain phase.
- Fixed certain items not applying effect and turns as it should.
- Fixed cutscene item being consumables.
- Reduced armor stats, replaced with higher hp/mp.
- added a few more filler chest in corner maps to encourage exploration.
- Trading decoders should now give decoders correctly.
- Moved the decoder chests in Arma's boss to skill trees instead.
- Reduced item prices, starshine and moonshine by around 50, shakes (state resist) gold price (700->450), Sprays reduced by 20 (520->500). Kombuchas by 50 (800->750) Attack element from (500->400)
- Sparkling waters now last 3 turns. Restore 40% instead of 30% hp/mp. Def effects reduced from 30% -> 10%, reduced price by 100.
- Short eel boi(fishing) now gives 50g instead of 30g. (exp unchanged)
- Conflicted items (kombuchas and punches) now remove conflicted states correctly.
- Added cast speed for Pineapple sunrise and Ocean punch.
- Fixed sprays healing 20% instead of 25%. Text corrected as well.
- Added animation for Lemon Seltez and Sparkling water.
- Fixed minuet and wolf's episode 2 cutscene giving episode 1 cutscene if player started the cutscene with wolf instead of minuet.
- Quill is now shown in final battle's loot.
Final boss related:
Original team = martine, hikari, jackie, barrel.
General/all phase:
- Restricted the original team to be only able to traverse previous pre-boss map for exp/gold in case player lost/stuck in phase 2.
- Added a conditional branch for original team to encounter easier enemy instead of the harder intended enemy in the last pre-boss map (original team will only face 1 enemy, while updated team faces 4 in the map before the boss)
- Each phase should now return the correct members so players can go back and grind, or try again appropriately.
- Original team's mastery passive WILL NOT be applied to minion grind map encounters.
- Fixed everyone's mastery passive not adding in correct final boss phase
- Mastery should no longer be applied between original and new team in the final boss fight. (Original mastery stays with original team, new mastery stays with new team only)
1st Phase
- Fixed an issue where players can skip Phase 2 to Phase 3 instantly due to overkilling the boss on Phase 1.
Added recover all at end of phase 1 to prevent instant game over on phase 3, due to party member being dead during phase 1.This is now replaced with a system to set hp to 1000 if said member is dead/knocked out. All DOT state/reaction will be removed as well.- Added a hidden state to allow phase 1 boss to act twice, removed on phase 2.
2nd Phase
Reduced 2nd phase Boss Max Hp by half to nerf the amount of healing received via shield by half (800 to 400).Boss now has a reduced 25% HP and 10% reduce all stat for original team. Shield issue has been resolved thanks to shield nerf as well. (5% instead of 10%)- Fixed the mastery passive not applying for the original team when learned, and on the correct phase.
- Martine now receive [Ice] immunity instead of [Earth] immunity.
- Fixed an issue where the Boss can use certain unintended skill/element in certain phases. (The boss should only have access to fire, water, wood, wind in 1st phase. Earth, ice, thunder in 2nd phase)
- Fixed a conundrum for 2nd phase since boss constantly creates shield reaction so hp is never <= 0%. (increased condition to 10% to activate 3rd phase.)
- If the player is starting the final boss in phase 2. Mastery states for the new team should now correctly apply when transitioning to phase 3,
- Fixed original team not being removed when transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 (After failing on phase 1, starting on phase 2's event page)
- 2nd phase boss now has a -40% all damage received. However rescuing Jackie will increase all damage received by 30%.
- When releasing jackie, an animation is added to notify players a +dmg state is added.
- Renamed the states given to 2nd phase boss. (Elemental exposure and mastery -> System Barrier, System exposure)
3rd Phase
- 3rd phase boss now act twice, increased final boss stats
- Now casts double strike skills instead of aoe skill (makes no sense to cast aoe in 1v1)
- Fixed the issue where the bonus effects of Mastery nodes not being applied on the final phase
- Fixed an issue where everyone receive wolf's mastery (static dream) regardless of wolf's mastery learned, when transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 after being defeated (lost the battle and retrying straight from phase 2)
- Boss' Hp during 3rd phase is now hidden.
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Status | Released |
Author | ItsAPudding |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Fantasy, No AI, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MV, Singleplayer, Turn-based |
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- The "GOTY" Update log! See what's new here.Oct 22, 2024
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